

The nautical world is made of people who are passionate about beauty, performance, comfort, status. Very demanding people who aim for the best.

Excellence as a standard

To help shipyards, upholsterers and architects ensure compliance with the standards of speed and excellence demanded by the market, we have revised the industry's traditional methods of supply, making an effort to go beyond what is customary.

Do you need specific advice?

Contact us and get in touch with the experts of Supremasea®

Our strengths

The creative direction

Like the great fashion houses, we have a team, composed of high-profile professionals, who take care of the creative direction of the brand.

A Yacht Stylist and a team of sales specialists with an in-depth understanding of the sector and customer needs define the product range and make our collections and proposals organic.
Our creative direction pursues a single goal: providing a high-value answer to each specific customer request, without distortions.

A personalised product and service range

Our unique and comprehensive product and service range makes life easier for shipyards, enabling them to save valuable time and obtain an undeniable competitive advantage.

The creative direction creates and supplies a mood book for each order, in which each material has been matched to the others in accordance with the choices expressed by the end customer.
As a result, the final set-up is always of the highest calibre.

A logistics base always available

Unexpected events, contingencies and emergencies are almost the order of the day in a shipyard

Supremasea® knows this, which is why it offers a wide range of selected products and has all its protective materials always available in stock.
For the customer this means speed and responsiveness.

Enter the world Supremasea® Now

Learn more about our products and services. Get in touch with us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Sede legale
Via Tonino da Lumezzane SNC
24057 Martinengo (BG) - Italy
Email: info@supremasea.com
Tel: +39035844009

Sede produttiva
Tappezzeria Calissi
via Palazzolo, 146
I - 25031 Capriolo (BS)
Tel: +390309170992

Confindustria Nautica

P.IVA 00954820163
Capitale sociale € 400.000,00 i.v.
R.E.A. di Bergamo n° 195059
CODICE LEI: 815600F45B22CA44EC72